We offer three signature retreats, each uniquely tailored to a specific theme.

Do you sense a profound calling to delve into the depths of your being for healing and self-discovery?

Are you feeling stuck in your current life situation, grappling with relationship challenges, or seeking healing from a painful experience?

Do you yearn to infuse your life with more vibrancy, inspiration, and a deeper connection to your life's path?

Have you been on a spiritual journey for years and now seek deeper clarity?

Do you hear the call?

In this sacred space, we unite to pay homage to the revered plant medicine, Noya Rao, and embark on a journey to rediscover our true nature while healing the barriers that impede our progress.

 It can provide new insights into our identity, facilitate the healing of deep-seated traumas, bring forth profound joy, and offer clarity on our life's purpose. For some, it may be a serene journey, while for others, a potentially daunting experience.
In recognition of this diversity, we are committed to creating a safe and trauma-informed space to honor Grandmother and the sacred master plant, Noya Rao, ensuring a space of preparation, safety, and integration.

Plant medicine has the potential to be one of the most transformative and influential experiences of our lives.


"I bring with me more clarity, insights and new motivation, which is now supporting me in taking new and bigger steps in my process, on my path home to myself.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

A dedicated integration call will take place two weeks after the ceremony. Moreover, you will be part of an online Signal support group with your peers and Pål for three weeks following the event.


Kindly read more about what is exactly included in each of our signature retreats down below.

1. Meet supportive and interesting group of individuals that want to dive deep into themselves.

2. Gain a deeper understanding of your nervous system and how to rewire conditioning.

3. Develop a more profound mastery of plant medicine for enhanced healing and insights.

4. Participate in two Grandmother plant medicine ceremonies.

5. Engage in a cacao ceremony, kundalini yoga, meditations, singing (practice icaros and mantra singing together), bodywork, and integration sessions with inquiries, sharings, and setting up integration plans for your return.

during the weekend you will:

As preparation for each of our signature retreats may differ slightly, we always conduct an individual trauma-informed intention-setting call with you prior to the retreat.  During this session, we will explore your personal history and traumas, enhancing your awareness of potential blocks in your life. This screening will also offer ongoing support throughout the weekend and, hopefully, beyond. Additionally, we will collaboratively establish a preparation plan (pre-dieta) with practices for the days leading up to the retreat.


AyaTyst provide you a safe setting before, during and also after the ceremony weekend. 


next retreatS

Embark on a transformative and compassionate exploration into the depths of your being, where we strive to align your soul with a trauma-informed approach.
Our mission is to empower you to manifest this alignment in your everyday life. 

With the support of Grandmother and powerful Masterplant Noya Rao, we aim to guide you to the core of your heart and soul alignment.

Immerse yourself in a deep residential retreat, accompanied by two encounters with Grandmother, Kambo rituals, and complementary practices that provide unwavering support.Welcome to a sacred voyage of self-discovery and soul alignment.


next retreatS

The Heart of Intimacy retreat is a profound experience designed to unlock the doors to deep connections with ourselves and others.

With the transformative assistance of the Grandmother and the Masterplant Noya Rao, we will illuminate the shadows of limiting patterns and facilitiating a return to the heart. 

The Heart of Intimacy retreat is a holistic and trauma-informed journey dedicated to guiding you through the process of letting go. Here, genuine intimacy with ourselves and others becomes a possibility and a tangible experience. 

You will learn gentle touching practices to  prepare and integrate your experiences. No touch during grandmother ceremonies.


next retreatS
We have all experienced more or less trauma, and our conditioned responses and personalities are built on top of that. 

If we want to make profound, lasting changes, we need to understand our conditioned nature and the workings of our nervous system. It is fundamental for who we are, everything we do in life, and how we relate. 

By preparing for the retreat, slowing down, doing embodiment practices and with the help of trauma-informed plant medicine, we can feel and gradually allow us to love our primal wounds. Doing so can transform these wounds into wisdom and gifts for ourselves and others. 


  • April 2024: Oslo, Norway - Sold Out
  • Stay tune for a retreat dates in the Netherlands.
  • May 23 - 26. 2024: Oslo, Norway
  • November  22-25th November: Brighton, UK
    3 spots left 7th October.

"Thank you Pål and Marjike, for a wonderful ceremony! I am so happy to have been part of your safe, sacred and beautiful space. I have experienced a major shift in my consciousness. Time moves more slowly and my thoughts are less conflicting. I believe the ceremony brought me in touch with my authentic self and I learned some tools to connect with it, not least because I now have a better understanding of myself.

I got this feeling of a higher purpose or path in life and I feel much more relaxed and mindful. The ceremony put put me in a state of deep self inquiery and I had so many insights. My head is still occupied with them two weeks after. I connected with my emotions hidden deep inside and I felt a deep gratitude that still lingers on. Being able to let go during the ceremony was made easier by the safe space I felt included in. It made me accept the truth that I am taken care of by a higher purpose.
Taking part in this wonderfull cermony, engulfed in incence, sacred rituals and inspired singing has made me feeI reborn as a spiritual being. 


"A truly magical and transformative weekend. Everything was intuitively and flexibly created.
A perfect mix of different activities and a perfect balance between the activities. The ceremony preparation was fantastic. The food was really good.

Pål and Marijke created a natural, humble, safe and loving space for us all to land and be in. The love and deep relaxation was incredible. I am so GRATEFUL that I could participate.

I bring with me more clarity, insights and new motivation, which is now supporting me in taking new and bigger steps in my process, on my path home to myself.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!" 


"Dear Paal, I have had the most fantastic and creative week of my life since last weekend.   Everything is blooming, and people behave differently towards me, especially the closest ones.   They are softer, and there are fewer confrontations. 

I have new visions for my new law firm, and today, I wrote a new introduction on the webpage. A text that I have used months to formulate. People (customers and collaboration partners) are naturally attracted to my firm.  

I have unlimited energy, am effective, and get things done immediately.
My mind is clear and sharp, and I do tasks I didn't manage to do before.  My addictions and temptations have disappeared."


What a wonderful experience! 

Pål is a masterful ceremony leader. He has a lightness about him that makes being in his presence a pure joy. He invites humor and creates a safe space for the participants to shine their light and share their gifts with the world. I had a wonderful experience attending one of his weekend retreats. I especially appreciated the touch of luxury; delicious, healthy meals, and my own soft mattress that was my ceremony space. These things may seem small, but for me, they made me feel safe and nurtured. I give Pål my warmest recommendations!

Thank you, shaman!


“I have participated in a sacred ceremony retreat with Pål, and I find his approach very sincere and caring. 

I got to know him and was able to work with my intention a long time before the ceremony. Pål created an open and safe space for the participants to get to know each other before the ceremonies.

The retreat was deep, and it was challenging to say goodbye to the new friends. It impacted me to see some opening up for something that has been forgotten, maybe their whole life. I have participated in many retreats, and this one was exceptional, and I can heartfully recommend participation.

Kristin S

"Dear Pål and Marijke
My first meeting with Aya was pretty wild and transformative. 
She confirmed something that I suspected. Even after three weeks, I still draw from the experience and gain new insights. The lovely natural place was perfect for my experience of being one with all that is. 

Pål was a safe, warm, and present facilitator for me. He is a wise and humble man who leads from his heart. His beloved Marijke also created a nurturing and loving environment where participants could naturally grow.

 I am forever grateful for my journey
and would love to travel with them again. 

Satnam from Kristina

" This ceremony was my first,
 and I am so grateful that Pål was the shaman guiding the journey. 
I also appreciated his thorough follow-up
on the preparation and integration process.

Pål leads from a grounded and connected place of love,
presence and deep spiritual connection.
On the journey, I met fears and shadows in myself
that were painful and scary to face.
Still, Pål´s obvious capability and loving intentions made it easy for me to surrender and stay open and vulnerable throughout the journey.

This journey was undoubtedly a great inspiration and leap in my spiritual process, and I will definitely go with Pål on my next journey as well."


Testimonials from previous participants

A dedicated integration call will take place two weeks after the ceremony. Moreover, you will be part of an online Signal support group with your peers
and Pål for three weeks following the event.


1. Meet supportive and interesting group of individuals that want to dive deep into themselves.
2. Gain a deeper understanding of your nervous system and how to rewire conditioning.
3. Develop a more profound mastery of plant medicine for enhanced healing and insights.
4. Participate in two Grandmother plant medicine ceremonies and a kambo ceremony.
5. Engage in kundalini yoga, meditations, singing (practice icaros and mantra singing together), bodywork, and integration sessions with inquiries, sharings, and setting up integration plans for your return.

during the weekend you will:

Each of us carries a unique tapestry of experiences, with varying degrees of trauma shaping our conditioned responses and personalities. To achieve trauma resolution, a deep understanding of our conditioned nature and the intricacies of our nervous system is essential. This knowledge forms the foundation of our identity, influencing every aspect of our lives and relationships.

Through embodiment exercises and the support of trauma-informed plant medicine ceremony, you'll have the opportunity to connect with your primal wounds. This process serves as a catalyst for the transformation of these wounds into wellsprings of wisdom and gifts—gifts that extend not only to yourself but also to those around you. 

Within the nurturing embrace of a trauma-informed environment, embodiment practices, plant medicine ceremonies,
and a Kambo ceremony, participants can unravel, heal, and foster compassion for inner wounds
and might get the courage to go beyond. 


 A transformative journey with "The Deep Dive," a retreat designed for those seeking profound insights into their primal wounds, conditioned patterns, attachment styles, and the workings of the nervous system.


  • Location: Oslo, Norway April 2024 - Sold out.
  • Ceremonies: Two Grandmother ceremonies and a Kambo session.  
  • Accommodation: Simple cabins or rooms (2 rs).
  • Total Participants: Limited to 7 participants.
  • Transportation: Buses available from Oslo Airport/Central Station to the retreat place.
  • The price includes 2 Grandmother ceremonies, food and acc, 1-hour individual prep call and group prep and integration call, where we set up prep and integration practices)
  • Early Bird - 15.2.2024: NOK 5900,- 
    Etter 15.2.2024 - NOK 6900,- 
    Sold Out!

practical info - OSLO RETREAT

If you are curious about attending a sacred ceremony, feel free to push the button below
and you will be able to book a free 30 minutes discovery call. 

Embark on The Deep Dive where the transformative power of Noya Rao awaits.

The capacity to give and receive touch is intricately tied to the state of our nervous systems and state of mind. Thus, prioritising relaxation and addressing long-held trauma becomes essential.

The Heart of Intimacy retreat is a holistic and trauma-informed journey dedicated to guiding you through the process of letting go.

With the transformative assistance of the Grandmother and the Masterplant Noya Rao, we illuminate the shadows of limiting patterns, facilitating a return to the heart.
Here, genuine intimacy with ourselves and others becomes a possibility and a tangible experience. 

Learn gentle de-armouring and consensual touch practices to prepare and integrate your profound journeys towards true connection and deep intimacy from the Heart.

Recognising this diversity, we are committed to creating a safe and trauma-informed space to honour Grandmother and the sacred master plant, Noya Rao, ensuring a space of preparation, safety, and integration.

Welcome to The Heart of Intimacy retreat, an immersive experience designed to unlock the doors to profound connections with ourselves and others.

Integration practices during the retreat.  |  Integration plan post-ceremony |   
Group call one week after the ceremony.


1. 2x Grandmother ceremonies together with preparation workshop on how to sit in a ceremony ; Learning about the nervous system & possible trauma response in a ceremony: Support structure during the ceremonies and Integration after both ceremonies.
2. Relaxing the nervous system with yoga, breathing, sounds & singing.
3. Theory and practices to learn about touch and de-armouring,
and what is essential with touch. 
4. Learning to set boundaries and speak up wishes. 
5. Understanding the nervous system with touch & lovemaking
6. Understanding the difference between trauma release and resolution and what is necessary for a trauma resolution. 
7. Practice different healing touch & de-armouring methods before & after ceremonies.

*No nudity during the retreat.

during the retreat:

The Heart of Intimacy retreat is a holistic and trauma-informed journey committed to supporting you to letting go with plantmedicine and using healing touch as preparation and integration tool.

heart of intimacy RETREAT

Setting our intentions and the desired outcome | Mapping our history of intimacy/lovemaking and acknowledging our challenges. | Mapping our attachment system.  | Mapping the underlying trauma. | Preparation call with the group (2 weeks before we meet) |  Preparing the mind/body for the retreat and after the retreat.


The art of giving and receiving touch is intricately woven into the fabric of our nervous systems, state of mind, and the connection to our heart and soul. With the transformative support of the Grandmother and the Masterplant Noya Rao,
we illuminate the shadows of limiting patterns, paving the way for a heartfelt return. 

 Acquire skills in consensual touch practices and gentle de-armoring techniques to release tension and trauma and also equip yourself to effectively prepare for and seamlessly integrate the profound experiences the plant ceremonies offer.

In this space, genuine intimacy with oneself and others becomes not just a possibility but a tangible, enriching experience.
Welcome on a sacred and transformative journey with The Heart of Intimacy, a retreat crafted for those seeking profound self-intimacy and an enhanced ability to share a healing touch with others.


The price include 4 days retreat with two grandmother ceremonies, learning touch practices and soft de-armouring, food and acc.

There will be 1-hour individual preparation call, group preparation and integration call, food, and acc.

You will receive videos with morning practices and pdf with touch practices. 

Early Bird: 1. May 2024: NOK 5900,-
After 1st May : NOK 6900,-


  • Location: A nature setting one hour outside Oslo, Norway. 
  • Retreat Dates: May 23- 26 2024: Oslo, Norway
  • Ceremonies: Two grandmother ceremonies on May 24th and 25th.
  • You learn gentle touch/de-armouring practices. There will be no touch during the grandmother ceremonies between participants and only ask for by spaceholders. There will be no nudity in the touch and soft-dearmouring practices. 
  • Accommodation: Simple cabins or rooms (2 persons per cabin or room).
  • Small intimate group, limited to seven people.
  • Busses from Oslo S & Airport/Central Station to the retreat place.

practical info

If you are curious about attending a sacred ceremony, feel free to push the button below
and you will be able to book a free 30 minutes discovery call. 

Embark on The Heart of Intimacy, where the transformative power of Noya Rao awaits.

Our mission is to empower you to manifest this alignment in your everyday life.

Paal and Morten want to share their profound experiences of their plant dieta with Noya Rao in the jungles of Peru. Noya Rao, often revered as the "enlightened" tree, can illuminate our inherent gifts and facilitate the healing of our shadows.

With the support of Grandmother and Noya Rao,
we aim to guide you to the core of your heart and soul alignment.

Join us on a soulful odyssey, beginning with a
pre-dieta preparation.

Immerse yourself in a deep residential retreat, accompanied by two encounters with Grandmother, Kambo rituals, and complementary practices that provide unwavering support.

Conclude this transformative journey with a post-dieta integration, ensuring a holistic and harmonious synthesis of the experience.

Welcome to a sacred voyage of self-discovery and soul alignment.

Embark on a transformative and compassionate exploration into the depths of your being, where we strive to align your soul with a trauma-informed approach.

We would like to encourage you to make an integration plan with practices after the weekend.
It will support you to embody the changes
in your daily life. We end with an integration call one week after the retreat.


We set the container with intention and start to clear out stress and open our gate for profound insights with a Kambo ceremony, lead by Morten.

Paal leads a yoga praction and a preparation workshop on Saturday morning,
delving into working with Grandmother, enhancing your understanding of your nervous system, and navigating defence mechanisms during the ceremony.
The first Grandmother ceremony happens Saturday evening. 

Sunday will be an integration day with deeper inquiry, possible walks in nature, mixing with different embodiment practices, sauna and fire rituals with spiritual songs.

Sunday will also be used to prepare and deepen our intention for another Grandmother's ceremony. Monday will be a day for integration and setting up integration plan.

Multiple practices are incorporated throughout the weekend to prepare your nervous system
for a profound journey, culminating in integration practices on Sunday.


Hidden beneath primal wounds, conditioned responses, and entrenched habits, our true life and soul purpose may be hidden from us. Fears of humiliation, survival concerns,
and a lack of tools and disciplined practices can obscure it.

Within a trauma-informed environment, enriched by mapping professional history, embodiment practices, plant medicine ceremonies, and the powerful Kambo ceremony, participants are invited to explore insights that facilitate the release of limitations and summon the courage to transcend boundaries
—stepping into the realm of "Beyond."

This uncharted territory can give space for the blossoming of fresh insights and the audacity to forge something entirely new. Within "The Beyond," the sacred Masterplant Noya Rao may illuminate the path toward aligning with one's soul and purpose. 


Enter on a transformative and compassionate journey with The Soul Alignment, a retreat for those seeking profound insights and want to align deeper with their life and soul purpose.

  • Retreat Dates November 22th - 25th Brighton, UK.
  • Ceremonies: Two Grandmother ceremonies ´& one Kambo ceremony. Individual Preparation call on Life Purpose & Trauma. Group preparation call and integration call, where we set up practices for max benefits. Be prepared for longer intermitted fasting during the retreat.
  • Accommodation: Two person rooms
  • Total Participants: Limited to 7 participants
  • Transportation: Train to Brighton and pick up.
     Airport: Gatwick is the closest airport.

  • Early Bird:  £ 850 (payment plans is possible)
  • 3 spots left 7th October.
  • Apply or request a discovery call below.

practical info -

If you are curious about attending a sacred ceremony, feel free to push the button below
and you will be able to book a free 30 minutes discovery call. 

Embark on The Path of your Soul, where the transformative power of Noya Rao awaits.

         Apply here

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Thank you for your sign up!